Participation by employees of training supports its risk control by encouraging their ‘ownership’ of health and safety training documentation. It establishes an understanding that the organization as a whole, and people working in it, benefit from good health and safety performance. Pooling knowledge and experience through participation, commitment and involvement means that health and safety training has really become ‘everybody’s business’.
Employees at all levels are involved individually or in groups in a range of activities. They help set performance standards, devise operating systems, procedures and instructions for risk control and help in monitoring and auditing. Supervisors and others with direct knowledge of how work is done make important contributions to the preparation of procedures which will work in practice. Other examples of good co-operation include our health and safety committee to help solve specific problems, such as issues arising from an accident or a case of ill health. Such initiatives are supported by management and there is access to advice from health and safety specialists.
Opportunities to promote involvement also arise through the use of suggestion schemes where health and safety problems can be identified and solved. These too develop enthusiasm and draw on worker expertise.
Ceilite have established their own positive health and safety culture which promotes employee involvement and commitment at all levels. This culture emphasises that deviation from established health and safety standards is unacceptable.
We believe that Ceilite is an excellent company and is by definition a ‘safe’ company. Since we are committed to excellence, it follows that minimizing risk to people, plant and products is inseparable from all other company objectives.
In the field of health and safety training we seek to achieve the highest standards. We do not pursue this aim simply to achieve compliance with the current legislation, but because it is in our best interests. The effective management of health and safety, leading to fewer accidents involving injury and time taken off work, is an investment which helps us to achieve our purposes.
Our commitment to training is highlighted with the selection of the courses engineers, improvers and apprentices attend to.
Ceilite believes that excellence in the management of health and safety training is an essential element within its overall business plan.