Investors in People – Business Strategy
People are very much involved in adjustments to plans and future developments and people’s feedback is taken on board both through these meetings and through day to day discussion with line managers. There are clear targets in terms of standards of work, procedures, regulations, expected timescales and customer service.
There are strong links with the industry associations (HVCA), their related committees and the manufacturers – to monitor changes and trends and link this information into future strategies for the business.
There is a clear supportive and caring culture here which is maintained through line manager role modelling and ongoing informal coaching and mentoring which is very effective. There are also competencies used at appraisal to talk through any issues that may need additional support and guidance.
There are many parts of the main business that are part of social responsibility such as the refrigerant controls and initial designs to minimise carbon footprints. In addition to these the company sponsors community activities such as the Harlow Sporting Club events for handicapped children and encourages people to become involved in supporting these events.